The Salon du dessin for the Institut Curie
Thursday March 21, 2024
Sensitive to the cause defended by the Institut Curie teams,
the organisers of the Salon du Dessin have twice organised
a charity dinner, during the show, at the Palais Brongniart in 2023 and 2024.
All proceeds were donated to the Institut Curie.
The Institut Curie
Supporting a cause that impacts us all
The Institut Curie, France's leading cancer center, combines an internationally renowned research center and a state-of-the-art hospital complex that treats all cancers, including the rarest. Founded in 1909 by Marie Curie, the Institut Curie brings together more than 3,700 researchers, physicians and caregivers around its 3 missions: care, research and teaching.
As a private foundation recognized as being of public utility and authorized to donations and legacies, thanks to the support of its donors, the Institut Curie can accelerate discoveries and thus improve treatments and the quality of life of patients.
By participating in the first Salon du Dessin gala dinner in 2023 and 2024, our guests made an essential contribution to the doctors, caregivers and and researchers who are working every day to cure more and more men, women and children affected by cancer.
NOC ! The Art School at the hospital
Children treated at the Institut Curie are invited to exhibit at the Salon du Dessin with NOC! The Art School at the hospital.
Since 2005, the NOC! Nous On Crée ! has been offering weekly art workshops at the Institut Curie for children and teenagers with cancer, because when life is complicated, creating becomes a necessity.
This year, 5 NOC students will win the Petit Léonard competition in the "NOC! Art school in hospital" category. It's a meaningful project for these children in hospital, who NOC is raising to the status of artists and promoting their creativity.
Information 29th edition
Dear visitors,
Due to the gravity of the international situation resulting from the spread of COVID-19 and in order to protect the health of all parties concerned, we have decided to cancel the 29th edition of the Salon du dessin.
France officially declared a state of health emergency on 24 March for two months and there are still numerous uncertainties regarding the evolution of the pandemic over the coming months. These factors make it impossible to reprogram the Salon before the summer of 2020 and the Salon du dessin, which usually attracts numerous other events in Paris for a week, will therefore not take place this year.
Louis de Bayser, President of the Salon du dessin said “this is a difficult decision to take with regard to all those who worked hard for this edition, but our priority is to protect the health of all our exhibitors, visitors and partners”.
We send our thoughts to all those affected by this epidemic and hope that this unprecedented health situation will quickly change favorably.
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