Day 2
Thursday 27 March 2025
from 2.30pm to 6pm
Independent art historian
“Travel Art” or Images of Home?: Reconsidering John Frederick Lewis's Egyptian Drawings”
Dr Donato Esposito
Independent art historian
Encountering Egypt: George Frederic Watts in Egypt
Dr Elena Marchetti
Curator of the Doge's Palace and the Correr Museum, Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia
“Dessiner des yeux” : les carnets de voyage d’Hippolyte et Paul Flandrin, 1855-1885
Mathias Chivot
Art historian, responsible for the Vuillard Archives
Visions fugitives : les carnets de Monsieur Vuillard
Dr Ketty Gottardo
Curator, Martin Halusa Senior Curator of Drawings, The Courtauld Gallery, Londres
Paul Gauguin in the Marquesas: strategies of adaptation (and re-adaptation)