Directors: François Ditesheim, Patrick Maffei

8 rue du château
2000 Neuchâtel

Phone: +41 32 72 45 700 & +41 76 47 76 976
E-mail: info@galerieditesheim.ch

Ditesheim & Maffei

Our gallery was created in 1972 as Galerie Ditesheim, François Ditesheim, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In 2013 Galerie Ditesheim, became Ditesheim & Maffei Fine Art Sa with the arrival of a new partner, Patrick Maffei born in 1973 (who works since 2005 at the Gallery).

In 2022 the Neuchâtel Gallery celebrated 50 years of activity. 300 and more exhibitions has been organized at the Gallery!

From 1989 to 2007, François Ditesheim was associated with Jan Krugier in Geneva as Krugier- Ditesheim Art Contemporain, then as Galerie Jan Krugier, Ditesheim & Cie. Krugier-Ditesheim has been paticipated at artbasel from 1989 to 2006. Galerie Ditesheim was present at artbasel from 1976 to 1988 (except 1981) and in 2007. We organize at least six exhibitions a year of high level international and Swiss artists.

The artistic line of our Gallery is very personal and apart from the common trend and fashion.

Ditesheim & Maffei Fine Art, Pierre Skira, Nature morte aux instruments de musique, 2002

Tribute to Pierre Skira

Pierre SKIRA
(Born in 1938)

Still Life with Musical Instruments

140 x 120 cm
(1400 x 1200 mm)

Ditesheim & Maffei Fine Art : catalogue d'exposition "Julius Bissier, temperas, encres et pastels, oeuvres de 1947 à 1964"

Julius Bissier


Catalogue produced on the occasion of the exhibition "Julius Bissier, temperas, inks, and pastels, works from 1947 to 1964," Galerie Ditesheim & Maffei Fine Art Neuchâtel, 2024.
Unpublished text by Petra Joos, curator of the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao.