Director: Dr. Martin Moeller-Pisani
Johnsallee 11
20148 Hambourg
Phone: +49 40 42 06 388

Kunsthandel Dr. Moeller began operations in 1991 with an initial exhibition in Hamburg and the publication of a first catalogue of master drawings, extending from the sixteenth century in Italy up to Max Beckmann. In the following years, regular shows in Hamburg and guest exhibitions with C.G. Boerner in Düsseldorf and Wolfgang Werner in Berlin secured ties to a growing circle of drawing lovers throughout Germany. Art fairs in Hannover-Herrenhausen, Düsseldorf and Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin and Munich expanded this clientele and an international audience was reached through our own exhibitions in Brussels as well as in New York. With the first International Fine Art Fair at the Park Avenue Armory we began our involvement in overseas fairs, which has culminated since 2005 in regular invitations to the Salon du dessin in Paris.
Important museum sales have gone among others to the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Landesmuseum in Hannover, the Württembergisches Landesmuseum in Stuttgart, the Stiftung Klassik in Weimar and the Stiftung der Preussischen Schlösser und Gärten in Potsdam, to the Graphische in Munich as well as the prints and drawings collections of the State museums in Dresden and Berlin.
Among our museums clients in Europe are the Musée du Louvre in Paris and the Archives Municipales in Besançon, the National Gallery in Edinburgh, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg as well as the Casa di Goethe and the Vatican Museum in Rome. In the United States, we have sold drawings to the Art Institute of Chicago, the Achenbach Foundation in San Francisco and the Los Angeles County Museum, the Harvard Art Museums in Cambridge, to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, as well as to the National Gallery in Washington.
(Breslau 1815 - 1905 Berlin)
Portrait of Lorenzo Cocozza in profile and studies of his legs, Berlin 1883
Pencil on white paper
214 x 123 mm
Monogrammed and dated on the lower right: A. M. 83
- Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, London
- Kunsthandel Sabine Helms, Munich (1980)
- Collection Ilonca Stein, Munich / Dortmund (until 2024)
Exhibition Literature
- Prussian Academy of Arts und National Gallery Berlin: Adolph Menzel, Ausstellung zum hundertzwanzigsten Geburtstag und dreißigsten Todestag des Künstlers, Berlin 1935, exh.-cat. no. 211
- Hamburger Kunsthalle: Menzel - der Beobachter, Hamburg 1982, exh.-cat. no. 135, ill. p. 220
- Jules Laforgue: Exposition de M. Ad. Menzel à la National-Galerie, Gazette des Beaux-Arts "Courrier Européen de l'Art et de la Curiosité", Paris 1884 (II), vol. XXX, p. 127 (ill.), entitled as: Études pour le Marché de Vérone.
- H. Knackfuß: Menzel, Bielefeld & Leipzig 1895, p. 101, ill. 108
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich 22. X. 1980: Kunst & Preise (Ill.)
It took Adolph Menzel more than two years from 1882-1884 to finish the painting "Piazza d´Erbe in Verona" (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden). The enormous number of very different characters filling that central place during a market day required hundreds of preparatory studies. Menzel always searched for true italian role models, not only during his two travels to Verona in 1882 and 1883, but also in the socalled Italian colony in Berlin.
In the Alte Schützenstraße 9 for example he found the powerful Maria Coccozza, who posed regularly in Menzel`s Atelier. There she might have introduced her son or more probably her younger brother Lorenzo to the artist, who soon became for more than two years Menzel´s preferred model while working on that complicated italian motif. So the 13year old boy does reappear more a dozen times in different poses among the busy crowd in this painting.