Director: Paolo Antonacci

Via Alibert 16/a
00187 Rome

Phone: +39 0632651679 (Galerie)
Phone: +39 3355631401 (Mobile)

Galerie Paolo Antonacci Srl

Coming from a long line of Roman antique dealers, Paolo Antonacci has worked for over two decades in the prestigious Rome and London galleries belonging to his father, Paolo Antonacci opened his own gallery in via del Babuino in 1998. In the Fall of 2016, he moved to a new gallery in via Alibert at the corner with via Margutta, right in the heart of the "Roman Art District".

From the beginning of his career Paolo's interest and passion was devoted to paintings and artists from between the late eighteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, with a particular eye on the Vedutismo. In 1998 the gallery published the first catalogue devoted to views of the Grand Tour and since then published a volume devoted to a different aspect of that intriguing subject every year.

The gallery participates in major Italian antiques fairs such as the Florence Biennale at Palazzo Corsini and the Biennale d'Arte at Palazzo Venezia in Rome. The gallery has also been a regular presence at prestigious international fairs such as Masterpiece in London, Highlights in Munich, Tefaf Maastricht, Fine Arts Paris and, in September 2024, the Florence Biennal.

The gallery has sold important pictures to major museums and institutions such as the Museo di Roma, the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna Roma, the Musei Vaticani, the American Academy of Rome, the Polo Museale Fiorentino in Florence. Other significant foreign institutions and private collectors are among the gallery's clients.

Paolo Antonacci, Ippolito CAFFI, Préparatifs pour le depart de la course de cheveaux Berberes dans la place du Peuple

Ippolito CAFFI
(Belluno, 1809 – Battle of Lissa, 1866)

Preparations for the start of the Berber horse race, Place du Peuple, Rome

Pencil, ink and watercolour on paper
190 x 226,5 mm
Signed bottom right ‘Caffi’

Rome, Private collecton