One of the priorities of the Salon du dessin is to ensure the quality of the presented works through the guidance of a committee of independent and renowned specialists.

All works presented at the Salon must undergo a thorough physical examination by members of the vetting committee just before the opening.

The works exhibited at the Salon du dessin are presented under the direct and sole responsibility of the gallery.

The vetting committee, established by the Salon du dessin organization, only provides advisory opinions on the quality and authenticity of the works.

The organizers and members of said committee cannot under any circumstances be held liable if the authenticity of a work should be contested.

Members of the vetting committee

  • Italian Drawings: Andrew Robison, Aidan Weston Lewis
  • French Drawings: Gérard Auguier
  • XIXth Century Drawings: Stephen Bann
  • Spanish Drawings: Dr Benito Navarrete Prieto
  • Nordic Drawings: Martin Royalton-Kisch
  • Modern Drawings: Konstantin Akinsha (Ukrainian drawings), Irénée Brun, Elisabeth Maréchaux Laurentin, Eric Schoeller